
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Holiday Decorating

I love the holidays, I really do. My mom is a nut for holiday decorating, and after years of resisting, I've fallen for it too. Here are our pilgrims..
Our thankful tree...
They are going away soon to make way for this guy...
I always look forward to this time of year because its time to bust out all my Santa stuff! Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Pretty House

Cynthia Collins' Dallas home is really pretty.
See the full tour here.




Wonderful, don't you think?

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Santa? Do you need some suggestions? I've been a good girl this year, I promise!

Dream Bag

Pretty Slippers

Girl's Best Friend

Why not?

Ombre Necklace

Emerson Goodness


Best for last, a girl can dream right?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Jonathan Adler Needlepoint Pillows

These are awesome

Mommie Dearest Much?

What's your sign?

London Calling

Be sure to check out the entire collection!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


With the holidays approaching, many of us will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Here are just a few of some of my all time favorites..

Mark D. Sikes

Martha Stewart

Jessica Helgerson
It's Complicated Kitchen


Happy Cooking!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Raoul Textiles

Raoul had me at hello. 

I coveted my first choice of Raoul fabric for years, seriously. It took a long time to save my pennies and get over the sticker shock. My little cutting hung on the back of chairs and couches all over the house. A dear friend finally told me to put it away or bite the bullet already.

So now I see these when I come in the front door..



Then I fell for this

So...I had these made for the family room. I have washed them several times and they just get better.


My Raoul pillows are my favorite things in my house by far, they make me smile everyday.

If you get the chance to use Raoul Textiles in your home, go for it!!! You will not regret it, I promise.

More company info here

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hallway Stencil

Sometimes images get you into big trouble.
This story started with one such picture.

Rachel Halvorson- Nest Egg
Finally, I knew what I wanted to do with my boring beige hallway.

This Farrow and Ball Wallpaper is lovely, but it comes with a lovely price tag too. 
Farrow and Ball

It's no fun dealing with buyer's remorse after the wallpaper installer has left the building, and this design impulse could have gone either way. 

Operation Stencil was a go. 
More fun, and definitely more affordable!

Olive Leaf Stencils had a design that captured the same feel so we ordered it up, broke out the rollers and tape and got to work.

Some left over paint from the dining room was applied over the stencil with a small roller and the pattern took shape .

Close up..
Visitors are always surprised that the design is stenciled, and I have learned to appreciate the flaws in the paint job over time. Every once in a while, I'll take a q-tip dipped in the original wall color and do some touch ups, but I'm crazy like that.

What do you think?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Work space

Starting Kindred meant creating an office space. We are still working on it!
Here a few favorites from our travels through pinterest..

Marleen Rentmeester- lonny


Charlotte Moss- Lonny

Bryn Alexandra- orignal source unknown

House Beautiful
Which space is your favorite?
Please stay tuned to see how the Kindred office turns out!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cozy Day for French Onion Soup

Good French Onion soup is wonderful option for a cozy fall meal. It takes a while to complete, but this test kitchen recipe is fool proof. The pickiest of kids enjoyed every last spoonful in our house! Make sure to follow the recipe. The pictures below are just to show what the process looked like in our kitchen!

Onions in!

After 45 Min...

Final deal.

Add toast and cheese and put under the broiler... delicious!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Aerin Lauder's new book Beauty at Home is absolutely wonderful, full of amazing photography and inspiration. Her interiors are luxurious, modern, and lovely..

Dressing Room- Elle Decor

Child's Room- Elle Decor

South Hampton Living Room- Elle Decor
NYC Apartment- Elle Decor

And when I am wondering what it would be like to walk in Aerin's footsteps I put on these!

Maybe if I click 3 times I'll end up in her NYC apartment